Comic pictures

Well-known classics reinvented

Unique comic murals from ArtMind

Comics are no longer just for children, as many well-known comic characters have become real classics over the years. If you're looking for artwork that brings both color and style to your home, our comic pictures are just the thing for you. Discover unique designs in various formats and give your four walls that little bit extra.

Show off your style and

Arts and culture associations

Comic pictures are not just works of art for entertainment purposes. Over the years, many of the characters have achieved true cult status and are therefore often used in artwork and drawings to combine art and culture in a creative and unique way. You can find exactly such works of art in many shapes and colors, as well as different motifs that adapt to your wishes and ideas. At the same time, we also combine art and culture with the medium of music - in the form of our unique vinyl comic pictures. The special creations of the artist Pupi give your home an individual character and plenty of personality. They give you the opportunity to integrate musical sounds, exciting colors and a piece of art history into your interior design.

Classic comic figures as

unique and modern works of art

From Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse or Mr. Monopoly to Asterix and Obelix, the Simpsons and Garfield - our comic pictures feature many well-known characters that are not only iconic, but also add that little bit of extra color to any room. In addition to classic depictions of the well-known comics, you will also find modern interpretations and motifs that offer a mixture of homage to the original and contemporary themes, leaving a lasting impression on every viewer. Our selection includes our own creations as well as works by various artists, so you can choose between different styles, materials and motifs.

Frequently asked questions

A comic is usually a sequence of drawings that depict a plot or story. However, our comic pictures are each a single illustration or a picture with motifs from well-known comics, which are depicted in a creative and artistic way.

Our comic pictures are available in different sizes and formats. We offer some of our items as canvas, aluminum or acrylic glass pictures in different sizes, ranging from 30 cm × 40 cm up to 1 m × 1.5 m. Artworks in various other sizes can also be produced on request. Our round paintings are also available in different formats. However, if you opt for a work of art on an original vinyl record, this will always be in the format 30 × 30.

The delivery of the comic pictures usually takes about 3 to 8 working days. Shipping within Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Spain (except the Canary Islands) and France is free of charge.