Pop Art pictures

Discover incredible works of art in an expressive pop art style

Unique Pop Art images

Whether Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein or Keith Haring - pop art paintings have always been cult and have become an integral part of the art world. The colorful and expressive paintings give every office or home that little bit of extra color and a unique atmosphere that makes a great impression. If you want to give your four walls a modern touch, you will find just the right pop art motifs for every room in the large selection in our online store.

A modern touch for

Your individual interior design

Pop art pictures offer the perfect combination of pop culture and art while adding a lot of style. Whether you want to add some color to your white walls or give your home even more personality and individuality, our pop art pictures and paintings are just right for you. In addition to different motifs, you can also choose between different formats and sizes in our online store, which are ideally suited to your needs and the respective rooms. You also have the choice between different materials. You can order the numerous motifs as canvas, aluminum white, aluminum brushed and acrylic glass variants and adapt your pop art mural to your own taste and style.

Pop art mural with Banksy girl and balloon heart
Pop art mural with colorful monkey listening to music
Creative pop art motifs for

lots of individuality

If you love pop art, you will undoubtedly find what you are looking for among our motifs. In addition to exclusive ArtMind designs, you will also find works by other artists that provide plenty of variety and individuality. From famous pop culture figures and Disney characters to motifs inspired by Banksy, you'll find everything you need to give your four walls your very own personal touch. The pop art murals also cut a fine figure in offices or public spaces and will leave a lasting impression on guests and visitors with their creativity, culture and uniqueness.

Frequently asked questions

Pop art pictures are characterized above all by their motifs, which are usually everyday objects, but often also well-known personalities and figures from pop culture. These are altered in their appearance or depicted in different contexts, usually with bright colors and strong contrasts, which creates a unique style with plenty of recognition value.

One of the most famous works of Pop Art is the Marilyn Diptych by the famous artist Andy Warhol. This is a screen print with the image of Marilyn Monroe, half of which is depicted in bright colors and the other half in black and white. Various works by the artist Roy Lichtenstein are also considered particularly famous, such as his picture "Look, Mickey" or the painting "In the Car".

Although the first Pop Art painting is attributed to the artist Richard Hamilton with his work "Just What Is It That Makes Today's Homes So Different, So Appealing?", Andy Warhol is widely regarded as the founder of Pop Art.