Successful as a showroom partner

Become a showroom partner and earn money with fascinating art





Benefit not only from more sales, but.

It's not just that you can adapt our art and earn money with our customers. You have the advantage of taking your branding to the next level. With art that perfectly matches your target group, the customer experience becomes truly unique. As a result, you benefit from higher customer loyalty, more referrals and overall stronger word-of-mouth marketing.

This will not only be an ingenious cooperation, but also an unfair competitive advantage.

One collaboration, many benefits

The advantages at a glance:

  • Higher customer value through the sale of artworks

  • A fascinating and unique customer experience

  • Your customers will remember your business premises and brand better

  • Eliminating comparability through fascinating presence

More sales and fascinated customers in 4 steps

1. getting to know each other

After you have contacted us, we will get back to you.

2. planning and strategy

At the end of the day, it's the result that counts. Together, we make sure that the result is right for your business premises, your customers and ultimately for you.

3. implementation

We select the artworks for your business together. Your understanding of your customers combined with our expertise is unbeatable. We are also happy to help you install the artwork on site.

4. earn money and inspire customers

And we are already at the point where your customers are telling their friends about their fascinating experience with you and you are benefiting from new customers and higher customer value.

Send us your request

We look forward to hearing from you.

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Questions & Answers


You will receive B2B access to our online store and exclusive conditions.

You sell the pictures in your showroom at our current sales prices and thanks to the better B2B conditions you have a margin on which you earn.

You will find out the exact conditions after you have contacted us.

How else do I benefit from a collaboration?

With every new showroom, our marketing team also opens a new Instagram & TikTok account for your showroom. This is operated by our team and ensures that new visitors and interested parties are added to your existing clientele.

More visitors = more potential customers.

The collaboration is completely free of charge. There are also no hidden fees.

We only need to agree on the scope of the initial equipment.


There are two possibilities:

1st option: You order for your customer in the B2B store and have it delivered directly to the customer or to your showroom.

2nd option: The customer orders from us in the normal online store and enters your partner code at checkout. This allows us to assign the sale to your showroom and you receive a commission.

Every showroom partner receives a partner code.

Delivery of the artwork itself is fast and takes 5-10 days.

The only thing that needs to be clarified is the quantity and selection of motifs.

Everything can be implemented cleanly in 2-4 weeks!

We have prepared a special page to give you a little insight.

From artists

Supports artists

Professional service

10-year quality guarantee